Your Home Away From Home.
The CCM House is located at the heart of the VCU Campus and is open to all who are seeking a place of refuge where they are loved and accepted.
What is the CCM House?
The CCM House is a beautiful 2 level home that was built in 1910. Over the last few years, it has gone through a drastic transformation from being a residence for our clergy, to a wonderful hub for students who are looking to experience a loving community. Most of our ministerial functions such as our small groups, prayer groups, ministry meetings, and fellowship nights, operate out of this house.
During the week, students can take advantage of several amenities at our CCM house. We have an adoration chapel that is available for students to experience the Lord in the midst of a grueling school day. On the first floor, we have a fully functional kitchen, dining room, and a large living room where students can experience fellowship with other students. Need some time to prep for a big exam? On the second level, we have three study rooms and a fully functional conference room.
The house is open to all undergraduate students during the semester Monday-Thursday, 10am-6pm. If you are interested in taking a tour of the house please contact our Campus Minister, Chris Spilka, at his email cspilka@richmonddiocese.org!
Visit Us
20 N. Laurel Street
Richmond, VA 23220
House Hours
(804) 212-3903